To join our organisation, simply click on any ‘Join Us Now’ button and complete the application form.
As part of this process you will also be given the opportunity to complete information to appear on our Directory, if you choose to do so.
Individuals – $50pa
Organisations and Groups :
2 – 9 Members – $55pa
10 – 39 members – $70pa
40 – 79 members – $100pa
Over 80 members – $150pa
No financial members – $70pa
Spiritual Healers registered with SNZ – who must also either belong to an Organisation member of Spiritualism New Zealand or be an Individual Member – $30 application fee and the annual practicing fee of $35.
Why join Spiritualism New Zealand?
You become part of a spiritual community with discounts to our events
- Join in online webinars, meditations and discussions at a reduced cost
- Advertise your events, services or products on our website and Facebook page
- Learn what is happening around New Zealand spiritually
- Access to many people with advanced spiritual knowledge
You raise your profile
- Gain recognition by belonging to a reputable national organisation and adhering to their Code of Ethics
- Use our member’s logo on your advertising material. If you are a member you can get a copy of this logo from our registrar at
- Be active and involved in activities and events both online and in person
You attract more clients
- List your information on our directory
- Enjoy improved credibility by marketing yourself as a member of Spiritualism New Zealand and using our logo on your advertising material
You can become a trained Registered Healer
- Receive recognition for your practice as a Spiritual Healer by being trained and accredited by a national organisation
- Have the reassurance of knowing that you are covered by Public Liability Insurance as long as you are abiding by all regulations agreed to as a Registered Healer
You gain access to resources
- answers to questions and mentoring
- training
Public Liability Insurance
- for all Registered Healers
- for all Ministers registered through our organisation with the Internal Affairs Department
- for all Board Members
- for your own practice or organisation at a reduced rate. More information about this is available here.
Free Publicity
- For your own courses, workshops and products
- For your services
- For your spiritual knowledge
We are the only body within New Zealand to bring together all Spiritualists, joining together in a common cause to share our knowledge and understanding of what it is like to live our lives in a spiritual manner.
To join our community, as an individual or an organisation, you will have an understanding of the Seven Principles of Spiritualism and be committed to living your life or running your organisation around these Principles.
Latest News and Events
Stay up to date with our community with regular newsletters
*We will never sell, rent, or give away our email list for 3rd party marketing.